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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there monthly payments?
    No. We do not require monthly principal or interest payments. Non-recourse means you do not pay us until your case has resolved. We help you transform your business model to liberate you from a monthly debt payment cycle to help you realize your hard work by leveraging the cases you have worked so hard to win.
  • What happens if I lose my case?
    You keep the money we advanced you and owe us nothing.
  • What are the benefits of litigation finance for plaintiffs?
    Hire or keep the lawyer you want, limit your risk, free up cash, and resolve your case on your own terms.
  • What are the benefits of litigation finance for attorneys?
    Take the cases you want, grow your firm, limit your risk, and leverage our extensive experience to drive successful case outcomes.
  • Does LFG dictate how money is spent?
    In many circumstances, no. Assuming that the attorney engagement is accounted for, we do not typically mandate a particular use of funds. When the advance is made in order to pay attorney’s fees and costs, we act as a passive source of capital and leave the details to the attorney and their client.
  • Does LFG control the case?
  • What is the process?
    There is no cost to apply. Upon receiving a request for funds, we conduct a screening and evaluation of the case based only on publicly available information. After our careful review, if the case meets our criteria, an offer is made. Once commercial terms are reached, we complete final due diligence. The entire process can be completed in a relatively short amount of time after we receive all necessary information.



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